KM 12, Quốc lộ 1A, Tứ Hiệp, Thanh Trì, Hà Nội


Agricultural Engineering - CÔNG TY TNHH MỘT THÀNH VIÊN CƠ KHÍ Z179


Agricultural engineers may perform tasks such as planning, supervising and managing the building of dairy effluent schemes, irrigation, drainage, flood and water control systems, performing environmental impact assessments, agricultural product processing and interpret research results and implement relevant practices. A large percentage of agricultural engineers work in academia or for government agencies such as the United States Department of Agriculture or state agricultural extension services. Some are consultants, employed by private engineering firms, while others work in industry, for manufacturers of agricultural machinery, equipment, processing technology, and structures for housing livestock and storing crops. Agricultural engineers work in production, sales, management, research and development

Creditable Integrity

Value talent cultivation and encourage creative innovation

Effective Team Work

Pursue organizational solidity and press on effective team-work

Quality Assurance

Ensure first and best of product quality and service

Secret beyond Our Sucess

Next Generation Machinery

Whether you know exactly how you want your new home to be or just looking for new ideas to build your new house, offers priceless resources to help bring those ideas to life in a seamless manner. This is especially important if you are looking to move forward the norms and the traditional homes and looking to build a new. From conceptualization to blueprint and from preparation to the final installation, our team will ensure that eevery part of your house is perfect as you desired

Company Regonization

Whether you know exactly how you want your new home to be or just looking for new ideas to build your new house, offers priceless resources to help bring those ideas to life in a seamless manner. This is especially important if you are looking to move forward the norms and the traditional homes and looking to build a new. From conceptualization to blueprint and from preparation to the final installation, our team will ensure that eevery part of your house is perfect as you desired

Safety Performance

Whether you know exactly how you want your new home to be or just looking for new ideas to build your new house, offers priceless resources to help bring those ideas to life in a seamless manner. This is especially important if you are looking to move forward the norms and the traditional homes and looking to build a new. From conceptualization to blueprint and from preparation to the final installation, our team will ensure that eevery part of your house is perfect as you desired

Excellence in Agricultural Engineering

Whether you know exactly how you want your new home to be or just looking for new ideas to build your new house, offers priceless resources to help bring those ideas to life in a seamless manner. This is especially important if you are looking to move forward the norms and the traditional homes and looking to build a new. From conceptualization to blueprint and from preparation to the final installation, our team will ensure that eevery part of your house is perfect as you desired

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