KM 12, Quốc lộ 1A, Tứ Hiệp, Thanh Trì, Hà Nội




Most people would recognize these statements as nonsense. After all, it seems obvious that weight isn’t measured in horsepower, and a quantity of liquid isn’t measured in volts. In both cases, the speaker got the units of measure wrong.

While these mistakes may be absurd, in the field of energy generation and storage, similar errors are made all the time, and hardly anybody seems to notice. The core problem is confusion of two related, but different, physical quantities: energy and power. They’re not the same thing! If you read and understand this article, you’ll know more about the difference than a lot of reporters, and when you hear that a new wind farm will generate “250 megawatts per year,” you’ll know that something is wrong!

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Whether you know exactly how you want your new home to be or just looking for new ideas to build your new house, offers priceless resources to help bring those ideas to life in a seamless manner. This is especially important if you are looking to move forward the norms and the traditional homes and looking to build a new. From conceptualization to blueprint and from preparation to the final installation, our team will ensure that eevery part of your house is perfect as you desired

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